Documentation for Benjamin Vining - (1) Hannah Merrill, (2) Rhoda Barnes

Census Data

  1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870
Benjamin Vining M 26–45 M 30–40 M 40–50 56 68 dead
Hannah (Merrill) Vining F 45 and older F 40–50 [see note below] 58 [dead?]
Rhoda (Barnes) Vining 60 72
[see note below]
    John Vining dead

1820 Durham, Cumberland County [Durham is now in Androscoggin County], Maine:

1830 Wales, Lincoln County [Wales is now in Androscoggin County], Maine:

1840 Wales, Kennebec County [Wales is now in Androscoggin County], Maine. Hannah (Merrill) Vining was either "F 20–30" or "F 50–60" in the 1840 census, likely the latter given her age reported in the 1850 census.

1850 Wales, Kennebec County [Wales is now in Androscoggin County], Maine - dwelling 94, family 103:

1860 Wales, Androscoggin County, Maine - dwelling 215, family 224:

1870 Wales, Androscoggin County, Maine - dwelling 24, family 25. In 1870, Rhoda Vining was a housekeeper in the household of a William P. Bond and family.

Death Data

Cemetery lot for Benjamin Vining's family, in Pond Cemetery, Wales, Maine. Left to right, the stones belong to Rhoda (2nd wife), John (son), Hannah (1st wife), ? [a small rough natural stone], Benjamin, and George W. Purington. Purington's stone was included in the picture because of its proximity to Benjamin's stone and because it may be of genealogical importance. Following the image of the cemetery lot are images of the individual gravestones (except for the natural stone and the stone of George W. Purington).