Documentation for Israel Vining - (1) Rebecca Norton, (2) Joan[n?] (Bigelow) Haws

Census Data

  1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890
Israel Vining M 30–40 42 52 dead
Rebecca (Norton) Vining
Joan[n?] (Bigelow) (Haws) Vining [F 30–40?] 41 51 62
[see note below]
? ?
    Nathaniel Haws Vining M under 5 9 20 married and living in separate household
    James Seldon Vining dead
    Henry Clay Vining 4 14 24
[see note below]
? ?
    George Washington Vining 2 12 22
[see note below]
married and living in separate household
    Josiah Bigelow Vining dead?
    Joshua Cushman Vining 8 19
[see note below]
married and living in separate household

1840 St. Albans, Somerset County, Maine - Also living in this household in 1840 were a male 15–20 and a female 5–10.

1850 St. Albans, Somerset County, Maine - dwelling 422, family 453. Also living in this household in 1850 were [...]tta Hawes (age 15 y., b. Maine) and David [...] Stewart (age 27 y., b. Maine). Were these possibly the male and female in question in the 1840 census (see above)?

1860 St. Albans, Somerset County, Maine - dwelling 1, family 1:

1870 St. Albans, Somerset County, Maine - dwelling 210, family 213. In 1870, Joan[n] (Bigelow) (Haws) Vining was living in the St. Albans, Somerset County, Maine, household (dwelling 210, family 213) of son Nathaniel Haws Vining. Also living with this household in 1870 were Nathaniel Haws Vining's brothers Joshua Cushman Vining and George Washington Vining. Henry Clay Vining was a clerk living in the Union Township, Floyd County, Iowa household of a William Moore family.